About Us

The Aurora Film circuit is a volunteer initiative committed to enhancing arts and culture in the community of Aurora. We are a devoted body of local film enthusiasts who provide our audiences with an alternative experience in cinema. Proceeds from ticket sales support special community projects and programs.

Our Steering Committee works with the Film Circuit to bring you a wide variety of film choices. Film Circuit, a division of the Toronto International Film Festival Group, provides filmgoers outside of Toronto with transformative experiences through access to Canadian and international independent films. With over 180 groups in 165 communities across Canada, Film Circuit is essential in helping TIFF lead the world in building markets and audiences for Canadian cinema.

Aurora Film Circuit is the proud recipient of the 2011 Arts and Culture Award from the Town of Aurora in partnership with Neighbourhood Network. The annual award goes to “the individual or group that made a significant contribution to the enhancement of the community through support, or promotion of culture, music, visual, performing or literary arts.”

Aurora Film Circuit – Bringing critically acclaimed Canadian and international films into our community since 2006.

Our eight-film season runs January to November, breaking in June, July and August.

AFC Steering Committee

Nelia Pacheco - Chair & Programmer

André Crawford – Treasurer

Geoff Graves

Paula Johnston

Sonetta Duncan

Door Prizes are a source of enjoyment for AFC patrons.  If you are able to donate a prize, please contact aurorafilmcircuit@rogers.com